System: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
First I delete user Jatayu.
Steps to restore username Jatayu:
1. Logon as Administrative privileges(ie.Administrator,Domain Admins) your Windows AD DC.
2. On Windows Start Button type Run type ldp.exe
3. On Ldp click Connection menu select Connect…
4. In the Connect box type your full AD server name then click OK.
(Note: You can check full computer name by right click on Computer select Properties)
5. Again, click the Connection menu and select Bind.
Select Bind as currently logged on user (that have administrative priledge) then click OK.
6. Click Options menu then select Controls
From the Load Predefined list select Return deleted objects then click OK.
7. Click the View menu and select Tree view.
Select BaseDN: your DC then click OK.
8. Double click CN=Deleted Objects ; Now we can see all the deleted items and there will be username Jatayu who already deleted previously. Double click on Jatayu then right click on Jatayu then select Modify
9. In the Modify window do these steps
– On text box Edit Entry Attribute: type isDeleted
then select the Delete radio button from Operation then click Enter the isDeleted attribute will appear on Entry List box.
– On the text box Edit Entry Attribute: type distinguishedName
– On the text box Values: type CN=Jatayu,OU=Users,OU=TEST OU,DC=toya,DC=toyaseta,DC=com
continue select Replace radio button under Operation then click Enter
Note: You can copy value of deleted CN and its OU location from the detail on the right panel.
– Check Extended check box on left bottom corner then click Run
10. Now we can see the recovered account in AD back into original OU. We just have to enable and set the password.