Upgrade PC 2011

Sudah 3 tahun PC lama setia menemani di rumah..abis dapet bonus akhir tahun 😀 saatnya upgrade PC.
Untuk casing, PSU, VGA Card, Hardisk menggunakan komponen lama..

List spare parts yang ane upgrade:

No Komponen Model Harga IDR
Date of buy
1 Mainboard Biostar TZ68A+ 1,118,000 5-Nov-11
2 Processor Intel Core i3 2100 @3,1Ghz 1,019,000 5-Nov-11
3 Memory Kingston DDR3 4GB 231,000 5-Nov-11
4 Memory Kingston DDR3 4GB 210,000 26-Nov-11
5 Case Fan Deepcool 12cm Fan Red Led 47,000 26-Nov-11
6 Card Reader Card Reader Internal 35,000 26-Nov-11
7 Case Fan Cooler Master MEGAFLOW 200MM SILENT FAN Red LED 128,000 02-Dec-11
8 Processor Cooling Deepcool Ice Edge 400 FS LGA775/1156/AMD 196,000 10-Dec-11
9 Case Fan Deepcool 12cm Fan Red Led 41,000 02-Dec-11
10 Headset PHILIPS SHM 1900 139,000 02-Dec-11
11 Memory Corsair CMV4GX3M1A133C9 DDR3 4GB 196,000 22-Dec-11
12 Memory Corsair CMV4GX3M1A133C9 DDR3 4GB 196,000 22-Dec-11
Total: 3,556,000

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How to Delete/Move a Protected OU in Active Directory


Note: Im using WIndows Server 2008 R2

1) Log on to the computer as built in administrators group or Domain Admins group.
2) Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
3) Click View, and then click Advanced Features.

4) Right-click > Properties on the object of choice, navigate to the Object Tab, then untick Protect object from accidental deletion >> click OK

5) Delete or Move the object that you want to delete or moving.

Restart or shutdown Windows via Remote Desktop

-The easiest way to restart or shutdown Windows machine when doing remote desktop just press alt + F4

-Another way by type shutdown command in command prompt

Example command to restart in 5 seconds:

shutdown -t 5 -r -f

Example command to shutdown in 5 seconds:

shutdown -t 5 -s -f


Setup lightsquid 1.8 di CentOS 5.7


1. Install Apache2, PHP and make run at startup
# yum -y install httpd php
# service httpd start
# chkconfig httpd on

2.Instalasi lightsquid
-Install paket Perl GD dari repositori dag wiers yg diperlukan untuk meregenerasi Grafik
# yum --enablerepo=dag install perl-GD

-Download & Install lightsquid1.8.tgz
# mkdir /tmp/lightsquid
# cd /tmp/lightsquid
# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/lightsquid/files/lightsquid/1.8/lightsquid-1.8.tgz/download/
# tar -zxvf lightsquid-1.8.tgz -C /var/www/html/; cd /var/www/html/
# mv lightsquid-1.8/ lightsquid
# cd lightsquid/
# cp lightsquid.cfg lightsquid.cfg.asli

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Catatan tentang Crontab


Untuk melihat perintah-perintah apa saja yang digunakan di crontab, tuliskan perintah:
# crontab --help

-Pada umumnya, perintah yang sering dipergunakan adalah:
> Mengedit file crontab:
# crontab -e

> Melihat file crontab
# crontab -l

-Command untuk merestart Crontab
# service crond start/stop/restart

-Command service cron at boot time
# chkconfig crond on
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Setup squidGuard 1.4.8 di CentOS 5 squid2.7 / squid3.1


Secara default squidGuard via yum Centos 5.6 adalah versi 1.3.x,oleh karena itu akan diinstall squidguard versi lebih baru yang didapat dari search google url rpmbone yaitu rpm squidguard versi 1.4.8 atau bisa langsung install dari epel repositori..

I. Download & Install squidGuard 1.4.8
# mkdir /tmp/squidguard1.4
# cd /tmp/squidguard1.4
# wget ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/epel/5/i386/squidGuard-1.4-8.el5.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh squidGuard-1.4-8.el5.i386.rpm

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Mikrotik PPPOE client dial ke modem ADSL Telkom Speedy

1. Setting Bridge di Modem Router Speedy
-Masuk ke konfigurasi Modem Router Speedy via web. (Saya menggunakan TP-Link,dengan iface LAN Modem (
-Setting Interface Internet menjadi Bridge & Encap Mode LLC, seperti pada Gambar. Untuk setting VPI & VCI bisa browsing google untuk daerah masing-masing.(Saya di Jakarta)

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PDC Samba LDAP on CentOS 5.7


1. Initial Config:
-Setelah install CentOS 5.7 lanjutkan install repositori dag dan epel
-Ip Address:
-Hostname: pdc.example.net

-Update server
# yum -y update

-Edit /etc/hosts:
# vi /etc/hosts pdc.example.net pdc

-Install paket openldap dan samba
# yum install openldap openldap-clients openldap-servers nss_ldap samba samba-client samba-common

-Install paket smbldap-tools
# yum --enablerepo=epel install smbldap-tools
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